Volunteer — HMS Bands

Join the BAND! Click here for more info.



Link to Volunteer for Band Events: https://forms.gle/4w4xXfzijdzSwJqt6

Thank you SO much for for your interest in being involved in the Hillwood and Parkwood Hill band program!! We are so thrilled to have you because YOU help immensely in providing ALL of our students with a positive and enriching band experience! Also, without volunteers, it would be difficult to provide your students with many of the activities that are available to them during the school year. Below you'll find some important information on how you can start getting involved as early as possible!

  • Open https://kellerisd.cloud.talentedk12.com/hire/index.aspx

  • Scroll down to find "volunteer form" in the jobs section.

  • Click "apply"

  • Then, in the green box on the right, click "Apply for this position"

  • You will complete four screens of personal information.

  • Click "Save and Submit" to send in your completed application.

After you submit online, you will receive an email confirmation of your application submission. Please forward that confirmation email to Mr. Woolhouse at zachary.woolhouse@kellerisd.net. Thank you for your continued support!